Important dates to remember:
- November 15: No School (Deer Day)
- November 18-22: Penny Drive-Wreaths Across America
- November 27-29: No School Thanksgiving Break
- December 2: Picture retakes
- December 5: Grade 1-4 Christmas Program
- December 18: Kindergarten Christmas Program
- December 19: Watch D.O.G.S. Program 6:30 MPR
News for You:
- Doors open at 8:20 and dismissal is at 3:10
- The Holiday Season is fast approaching. Our lives can be tough. With the added stress of the Holidays, some families struggle more than usual. If you are in need of assistance this Holiday Season, we have our Christmas Wish List form outside the Elementary and Middle School Offices. The forms are due back to the office by November 18, 2019. If you would like to help a family in need by donating gifts or money, please contact April Neihardt at 231-824-6413 ext 330.
- The Manton Rotary is collecting new and used stuffed animals for Project Christmas.There are drop boxes outside of the offices. We will be collecting until December 5.
- Project Christmas: Saturday, December 7, 2019 Beginning at 8:00 am at the Wexford County Civic Arena*Cadillac. Registration begins October 7, 2019, the Deadline to register is November 27, 2019, *You must register to participate* Wexford County Residents call 231-779-5205 or 231-468-3204, Missaukee County Residents call 231-839-8816.
- Please remember to send tennis shoes with your student on gym day and also an alternate pair of shoes other than winter boots for every day.
- Please be sure your children are sent with appropriate clothing for the weather.
- Free and Reduced Lunch: Just a reminder if you have not applied for this and would like to you may do so at or stop in the Elementary office for a form.
- Parents, please continue to move forward in the drop off lane. This helps the flow of traffic. Thanks!
- Lost and Found: Please write your child's name on their belongings to better claim all lost and found items. Lost and Found is over flowing! Come check it out!
- "Tis the season...IF school is canceled due to the weather, please note the following: Our Transportation Department will send out a phone call. Check the local TV station and Cadillac Evening News. You may also download the Manton School app on the app store and will receive a notification this way.