Important Dates to Remember:
- January 26: Elementary Family Movie Night
- February 15th 1/2 day of school-Scheduled Parent Teacher Conferences
- February 16th No school-Teacher in-service day
- February 19th No school-President's day
- February 21-23: Hearing and Vision Screening
News for You:
- Manton Ranger Ready or Not Cheer I Come!- Clinic 2018 Elementary Cheer Clinic. Practice dates: Jan. 15th-18th 3:10 til 4:30, Performance: High School Gym Sunday, Jan. 21st 2:00 PM Doors open at 1:40 pm Cost:$25.00 Includes T-Shirt for performance and snacks. Deadline for registration: Friday, Jan. 12th. Proceeds to benefit Manton Varsity/JV Cheerleading and Dance Team. Any questions or concerns please contact Forms outside Elementary Office.
- Elementary Family Movie Night: Manton Elementary would like to invite all of our families to a movie night on Friday, January 26! More details to come.
- Vision and Hearing screenings will take place February 21-23. If your child wears contacts or glasses please make sure they wear them for the vision screening. Also, please let the teacher, office and screener know if your child has a shunt. Please feel free to contact the Elementary Office if you have any questions or concerns.
- Weather: Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Thank you!
- Please remember to send tennis shoes with your student on gym day and also an alternate pair of shoes other than winter boots for every day.
- Parents are not advised to pick up their child after 2:30. Thank you in advance.
- Toys: If it's not needed for class, then please don't have your child bring it to school!
- Donated Backpacks: The Elementary Office has many donated Backpacks. If your Child is in need of one, please stop in or call the office. 231-824-6413
- Please send a change of clothes to keep in your child's locker or backpack in case of an accident or spill. Thank you!
- Head Lice: Parents are highly encouraged to check their children for head lice and/or nits every night. If you find that your child has head lice, please DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL. Your child will need to be treated for head lice and the nits must be combed out. PLEASE REMIND YOUR CHILDREN NOT TO SHARE BRUSHES, HAIR TIES, HEADBANDS, HATS OR COATS!!!
- 'Tis the season..IF school is canceled due to weather, please note the following: *Our Transportation Department will send out a phone call. *Check the local TV stations. *Check online at TV stations and Cadillac Evening News.
- If you would like your child to be considered for placement in an Early Head Start Program Call NOW to schedule an appointment in your community. Wexford/Missaukee/Roscommon County: Mary Heady 231-884-0776