Important Dates to Remember:
- March 23: 1/2 day (released at noon) Spring Break begins!
- March 26-30: Spring Break
- April 2: Classes Resume
- May 16 and 17: Kindergarten round-up
News for You:
- March is Reading Month: Our reading month will begin next Thursday, March 1. Our theme this year is "Reading Olympics!" We will have a variety of fun days throughout the month to encourage reading. Your child's teacher should have or will be sending home the reading month calendar and their reading logs. Make sure to remind your child to turn in their reading logs after each week. Thanks!
- Reding Month Prizes: A big shout out and thank you to Krazy Kat Signs, Emery Excavating and Paving, Manton PTO, and DJL Logging for their very gracious donations for our reading month prizes!
- Manton Summer Rec Softball and Baseball are open for registration: We are trying something new and doing online registration this year!! Please visit and create an account to sign your child/children up. Registration will be open until March 16th. Please visit our FB page or contact Angie Taylor at 231-878-1134 with questions.
- Girl Scouts meet on Friday Evenings from 5:30-7 in the Middle School Music Room.
- Kindergarten Round-Up: May 16 and 17 (More Info to come)
- If you have a change of address or phone number, please remember to notify the office!
- Weather: Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Thank you!
- Please remember to send tennis shoes with your student on gym day and also an alternate pair of shoes other than winter boots for every day.
- Parents are not advised to pick up their child after 2:30. Thank you in advance.
- Toys: If it's not needed for class, then please don't have your child bring it to school!
- Please send a change of clothes to keep in your child's locker or backpack in case of an accident or spill. Thank you!
- Head Lice: Parents are highly encouraged to check their children for head lice and/or nits every night. If you find that your child has head lice, please DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL. Your child will need to be treated for head lice, and the nits must be combed out. PLEASE REMIND YOUR CHILDREN NOT TO SHARE BRUSHES, HAIR TIES, HEADBANDS, HATS OR COATS!!!
- 'Tis the season...IF school is cancelled due to weather, please note the following: *Our transportation department will send out a phone call. *Check the local TV stations. *Check online at Cadillac Evening News
- If have a child 0-3 Call NOW to schedule an appointment in your community. Wexford/Missaukee/Roscommon County: Mary Heady 231-884-0776.
- If you have a child 3-4 for the 2018-2019 school year call NOW for free preschool. Contact NMCAA at 231-775-9781 or 800-443-2297.