manton elementary news
Important Dates to Remember:
- August 31- No School
- September 1- No School (Labor Day)
- September 12-Picture Day (Forms will be sent out next week)
News for You:
- Doors open at 8:20 and dismissal is at 3:10
- Parents, please continue to move forward in the drop off lane. This helps the flow of traffic. Thanks!
- Manton Irish Dance Club starts Thursday, September 6th. 3:15 after school. 8 Week session:$40. Contact Gina at 231-920-9976.
- Parents, please make sure to turn in all of your paperwork to your childs(s) teacher as soon as possible. This includes the EMERGENCY FORM, INCLEMENT WEATHER,ACCEPTABLE USE, and IPAD agreements. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.
- Please do not send your child to school with open-toed shoes of any kind. Sandals, flip-flops or any kind of open-toe are NOT PERMITTED in the Elementary. Please refer to your Parent/student handbook if you have any questions about our dress code. Thank you in advance.
- Head Lice: Parents are highly encouraged to check their children for head lice and/or nits every night. If you find that your child has head lice, please DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL. Your child will need to be treated for head lice, and the nits must be combed out. PLEASE REMIND YOUR CHILDREN NOT TO SHARE BRUSHES, HAIR TIES, HEADBANDS, HATS OR COATS!!!
Attendance Procedures:
1. Attendance is taken twice a day. We record attendance by half days.
2. Students are required to be in their classrooms at designated times. If a student
comes to school within the first hour of the designated time, then that student is
tardy. If the student arrives more than an hour after the appointed time, the student will have a 1/2 day absence.
3. Attendance of 2 hours or less will result in a full day's absence.