Watch D.O.G.S. Program 6:30 in the MPR December 19, 2019
about 5 years ago, Jessica Morrow
Kindergarten Christmas Concert will be held at 2 pm in the 5th St Gym on December 18, 2019.
about 5 years ago, Jessica Morrow
Reminder our Christmas Break will start Friday, December 20 at noon. School will resume Thursday, January 2, 2020.
about 5 years ago, Jessica Morrow
Mrs. Embrey and Mr. Rubinas' class at Pahl's Pumpkin Patch!
over 5 years ago, Jon Paul Katona
Kindness week is coming up for Manton elementary!
over 5 years ago, Jon Paul Katona
Mrs. Trowbridge's class enjoying Pahl's Pumpkin Patch!
over 5 years ago, Jon Paul Katona
Train ride
Our 2nd Graders had a great time at our local museums!
over 5 years ago, Jon Paul Katona
Good afternoon, parents, this message is for all flag football participants. Due to the amount of rain we have received the last couple of days, flag football has been canceled for tomorrow, Saturday, September 14. Again, this is only for tomorrow, and it will be back on schedule after tomorrow.
over 5 years ago, Jon Paul Katona
The 3rd grade had a blast at the Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes today!
over 5 years ago, Dave Case
Dune Climb
Museum scavenger hunt
Visitor Center
The overlook.
After learning about Henry Ford, the 3rd grade created our own assembly line manufacturing delicious automobiles!
almost 6 years ago, Dave Case
Working hard!
Working hard!
Finished product!
Finished product!
A couple more pictures from the Michilamackinac presentation.
almost 6 years ago, Dave Case
Trading goods.
Looking stylish!
The 3rd Grade was lucky enough to have presenters from Michilamackinac to take us back in time to visit early Michigan.
almost 6 years ago, Dave Case
Recruiting voyagers.
Map study.
Trading goods.
2nd Grade Ranger Pride Students of the Month!
almost 6 years ago, Jon Paul Katona
2nd Grade
Ranger Pride Students of the Month!
almost 6 years ago, Jon Paul Katona
3rd Grade
4th Grade
1st Grade
The fourth grade class had a fun time in Lansing yesterday while visiting the state capitol!
almost 6 years ago, Jon Paul Katona
Lansing Trip
To celebrate March Camp Read A-Lot! Mr. Katona was reading on the ROOF!
almost 6 years ago, Lindsey Embrey
Wave to the students
Katona on the roof
Camp out
Today was a super fun day at Manton Elementary! The Northern Lights Irish dancers were able to perform for us including some of our own students. It was also dress like your favorite book character day I loved seeing all the great costumes. Rowdy the Ranger also read to kindergarten classes as a mystery reader. All in all a great day at Camp Read A-Loy.
almost 6 years ago, Lindsey Embrey
Manton Irish Dancers
Cat In the Hat and Thing 1&2
Teachers all dressed ip
Rowdy Ranger reading to kindergarten
Dress like your favorite book character day!
almost 6 years ago, Jon Paul Katona
Book Character
This month’s reading month calendar and bingo cards. When your child gets a BINGO turn it into their teacher for a chance to win a prize. If each grade level makes their goal Mr. Katona will be camping out on the roof!!
almost 6 years ago, Lindsey Embrey
BINGO sheet
Friday kicked off our reading month. Camp Read-A-Lot. Ranger Read helped explain activities for both home and the classroom. All the students and teachers are pumped to read read read this month.
almost 6 years ago, Lindsey Embrey
Ranger Read
Beach ball relay
Students enjoy Camp Read-A-Lot