Saturday, December 1st from 5-9 in the 5th Street Gym, The Manton High School Band is hosting Blues on the Bayou. This is a night of amazing
family entertainment featuring live music from musical artists: Samantha Crawford, The Neighborhood Dogs, Blue River and Stellar Association.
Tickets are $10 at the door, kids 6 and under are free. All proceeds to benefit the Manton High School Band Trip to New Orleans. Join us for
GREAT music, kids games, food and much more! For more info, please call: 810-580-9864 or 616-260-1485.

High School Picture Retakes are Tuesday, November 6

Students who attend PM CTC are required to attend tomorrow afternoon. There will be a bus to and from CTC and for students when they return to get home. #Rangerpride

Marching Band festival has been postponed to Wednesday October 17th. Times remain the same (leave at 4, perform at 6:15 in Reed City) #Rangerpride

High School parent/teacher conference confirmation forms were mailed out today. If you sent your form back last week, you should receive a scheduled time for next week. Drop ins are also welcome. Please call the office with questions.

Permission slips for the Freshmen Reward trip to Lucky Jack's are due by lunch tomorrow. Senior permission slips for the Career Fair, Wednesday, are due tomorrow. All Juniors and Sophomores will be taking the PSAT Wednesday at school.

Picture Day for 9th-12th grade is Tuesday, October 2, 2018!

9th Graders going on the Manufacturing Day trip tomorrow must wear long pants, long sleeves, and close toed shoes. School pictures will be taken on re-take day.

Homecoming Dance tonight 8-11pm in the Ranger Room. All students must be at the dance by 9pm in order to enter.

Congratulations 2018 Homecoming Queen and King, Ashley Parker and Jacob Wahr! #Rangerpride

Chromebooks will be assigned tomorrow for students who have turned in their paperwork and money. If you have not turned in your forms or $20, please do so tomorrow in the office. #Rangerpride

Meet The Rangers -Fall 2018

Freshman Orientation is underway - open house from 6-7 with Meet the Rangers to follow!

Schedule changes or questions? Email Mrs. Wallin at bwallin@mantonschools.org

If you are having difficulty viewing your schedule through the PowerSchool App, log on to a computer to see your schedule.

Schedules for high school students are now available on PowerSchool! Parents and students may log in to view them. Schedules will also be mailed out tomorrow. Welcome back, Rangers!!

Transcripts were mailed Monday for all seniors who requested them to be sent to a specific college. All other transcripts must be requested through parchment.com.
Schedules will be mailed the first week of August. Mrs. Wallin will have office hours beginning that week in order to make changes. After next week, the HS office will be closed. Please see Central Office for work permits.

Exam schedule for June 4/5- Monday 1,2,3 Review & 4,5,6 Exams. Tuesday 1,2,3 Exams. (1/2 day)

Reminder- graduation picture orders must be placed by June 4th in order to receive free shipping. Please see the link on the app or on the HS Facebook page. #Rangerpride

All Chromebooks are to be turned in today. Please be sure to have your cord and covers. #Rangerpride