Parents- Please be aware that your student has 6 classes. Their 6th hour class is an Independent Study class that they receive materials either at school or through Google Classroom. They receive a grade for that class and it counts towards GPA and graduation. Please check with your student to make sure they are engaged in this class. PM CTC students do not have an Independent Study due to staying at CTC until 3pm.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
Class of 2020- please meet at the football field on Sunday, June 21@12:30pm for graduation rehearsal. Due to our attendance limit of 500, only guests with a ticket will be admitted. All guests will enter through the main ticket gate. We ask that social distancing is practiced in the bleachers and that everyone remain in the bleacher area at all times. See the Facebook page for more information. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
Class of 2020! Please come in and pick up your tickets for graduation!! We need an exact count as soon as possible. Graduates- please RSVP for participation, to the number that was mailed home, if you haven't already done so. The HS office is open from 8am-3pm. #Rangerpride
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
Class of 2020! Please see the High School Facebook page or check your mailbox for important information about graduation.
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
It's official!! Class of 2020 Graduation is scheduled for Sunday, June 21@ 4pm at the Ranger Athletic Complex football field !!
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
Attention Seniors! We have a tentative graduation ceremony date of June 21 in the works. At this time we have no details to share and want you to understand that this is not set in stone. We are doing everything we can to honor you with all that you deserve and to recognize your accomplishments. We would love to keep the ceremony as traditional as possible, but we are also realistic in our thinking that it may not be possible. Please watch this page and our app for updates. #Rangerpride #classof2020
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
Attention 10th Graders!! Today is your last chance to sign up for CTC. Please email or call/text 2315779250 ASAP! If you are not wanting to attend CTC, please respond that as well! Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
Good Morning Rangers!! Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors- PLEASE check your email this morning! Mrs. Wallin has sent out very important messages that need your response! CTC is first come, first served and Dual Enrollment and Scholarships have important deadlines. Please respond to her ASAP!
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
Class of 2020…   Who would have imagined the end of your Senior Year happening so soon?  None of us could.  We want to preserve as much as we can with your Senior Year and Graduation.  Jostens, a partner with Manton Schools, has been working with the school to schedule a pick-up date/time for your Graduation Items (announcements and/or cap&gown).   Jostens will be set up at Manton HS on Thursday, April 9 from 11-12:30pm, outside the HS Office (Same day as packet pick up).  We will have a “Curbside Pick-Up”. You don’t even have to get out of your car.  You will just drive up to the sidewalk, roll down your passenger window, give us your name and we will get you your product.  We can just drop it in your car…no physical contact required.  Your order will have to be PAID IN FULL prior to April 9 in order to receive it on Thursday.  We will not be taking any payments that day.  You can contact Jostens at 1-800-567-8367 to get your balance and make your final payment.    Once again, Jostens will be working with Manton HS on Graduation Pick Up on:   Thursday, April 9 @ 11am-12:30pm – Outside HS Office   If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-JOSTENS (567-8367).   Thank You and Stay Safe!   Jostens of Northern Michigan  
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
Class of 2022…   Who would have imagined the end of your Sophomore Year happening so soon?  Jostens, a partner with Manton Schools, has been working with the school to schedule a pick-up date/time for your Class Ring and Gift w/ Purchase Backpack.   Jostens will be set up at Manton HS on Thursday, April 9 from 11-12:30pm, outside the HS Office (Same day as packet pick up).  We will have a “Curbside Pick-Up”. You don’t even have to get out of your car.  You will just drive up to the sidewalk, roll down your passenger window, give us your name and we will get you your product.  We can just drop it in your car…no physical contact required.  Your order will have to be PAID IN FULL, prior to April 9, in order to receive it.  We will not be taking any payments that day.  You can contact Jostens at 1-800-567-8367 to get your balance and make your final payment.   Once again, Jostens will be working with Manton HS on Class Ring Pick Up on:   Thursday, April 9 @ 11am-12:30pm – Outside HS Office   If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-JOSTENS (567-8367).   Thank You and Stay Safe!   Jostens of Northern Michigan  
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
Hi Ranger Family! Hope you and your family are well!! We wanted to let you know that we have been diligently working through all of the logistics of everything that pertains to high school students and what the remainder of the year looks like. We are planning to have more information for you at the beginning of next week. Please be patient as we are all navigating uncharted territory. Stay safe! Mrs. Siddall #Rangerpride
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
The National Honor Society Induction has been rescheduled to April 6 at 6pm in the Ranger Room. Invitations will be mailed to those involved.
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
Junior girls that are signed up to participate in Women in Careers tomorrow, please dress up and bring a note from your parent that says you may attend this event. Thanks!!
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
Conferences on February 13 are from 12:30-3:30. There are no evening conferences on Thursday, February 13. Conference forms went out with report cards last week. Please return those forms to the office asap. Thanks!
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
HS exams are next week! Please see the schedule below for days and times!!
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
exam schedule
Reminder- Our Veteran's Day Assembly is tomorrow at 9:30am in the big gym. We ask that students dress up and remind seniors that their class photo will be taken after the assembly. AM CTC seniors will not attend CTC in order to participate. All are welcome.
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
Attention Seniors! Please check your Krispy Kreme Doughnut orders. We are missing DOZENS of glazed donuts! Please contact your class advisors ASAP with questions or concerns. Thank you
over 5 years ago, Christina Perry
Reminder- Senior parent meeting tonight in the High School Library at 6pm.
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Siddall
The Manton Adolescent Wellness Center will be offering physicals for 10-21 year old students on June 18 and June 19. Please call 231-306-4900 to make an appointment.
almost 6 years ago, Christina Perry
Reminder- Seniors are required to attend graduation rehearsal Thursday from 12:30-2. All graduates must bring their caps and gowns. Chromebooks will be available to purchase by seniors for $40.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Siddall