The Ranger Reward trip to Lucky Jack's , that was scheduled for tomorrow, will be rescheduled to April 25. More details will be shared tomorrow at school.

Tuesday is "Decade Day"! Dress in your favorite outfit from your favorite decade! Those who qualified for the Ranger Reward- please bring your permission slip and $5! #Rangerpride

Spring Fever Spirit Week ...... Monday-bed head day, Tuesday-decade day, Wednesday-spring fling (flowers), Thursday-Disney Day, Friday-adventure day (hiking, etc). #Rangerpride

Blood drive!

Prom tickets go on sale next Monday at lunch. They are $25 per person and include pictures, photobooth and a keepsake. Guest passes are currently available in the office and must be completed and turned in by Thursday, April 19. All credit recovery hours need to made up in order to attend. Prom is Saturday, April 21, from 8pm-11pm in the Ranger Room. #Rangerpride

Juniors will meet in the big gym at 8:20am tomorrow for Workkeys testing. All other students will have a regular schedule. #Rangerpride

9th, 10th, 11th grades will be testing tomorrow morning. 11th grade will be dismissed at approximately 1pm, when the SAT is finished. 9th and 10th grade will be done testing before lunch and will have regular PM classes. Good luck to all our students testing tomorrow! #Rangerpride

Tomorrow is the Governor's Breakfast at the Wex for seniors. Bus leaves at 7am sharp! All students who have turned in their permission slips to attend, must be dressed up. #Rangerpride

Enjoy your break! School resumes April 2nd. #Rangerpride

Congratulations to Jacob Cergnul for signing with Aquinas College! #Rangerpride

Meet the Rangers Spring 2018

Meet the Rangers Spring 2018

Manton High School had two students inducted into the Wexford-Missaukee National Technical Honor Society this evening! Trenity Darville for Introduction to Health Care and Zachary Wiggins in Digital Media Production! Congratulations on this tremendous accomplishment.

Today the high school had the opportunity to have Detective Piskor from the Wexford County Sheriff’s Department come in to talk about school safety. He spoke about what to do if someone hears of a threat towards the school even if they feel it is not serious. He also spoke about not making jokes about people having weapons in person or on social media and other internet safety matters. I would like to encourage you to take this opportunity to talk with your student about these topics and if you have any questions, please contact the office. Thank you for partnering with us in making sure Manton Consolidated Schools is a safe place to learn.

The Robotic Rangers won the Rookie Achievement Award.. AMAZING JOB Rangers! #RANGERPRIDE

Good luck at States today Spencer, Jake and Seth! Watch them live on MHSAA.TV. #RANGERPRIDE

Congratulations Rangers! 🏀🏆#RANGERPRIDE

Congratulations to Hunter Ruell for recording his 1000th career point in a 75-62 victory over Buckley tonight! 🏀🏆#RANGERPRIDE

"BLACKOUT" tomorrow night for the Girl's District Championship Game at St. Francis vs. Glen Lake. Spec bus leaves at 5:30, game time 7pm. Bus riders get in free! #RANGERPRIDE

Winter Guard 2018 #RANGERPRIDE