Mrs. Pearson's class created worked in groups to create apps. Click on the link to see Carson and Evan's sweet app for bikes!

Student council members selling concessions at JV Basketball game

Wonderful message shared by Trooper Wicker on Internet Safety with our 6th graders

Sea Lamprey Culminating Activity in Mrs. Waite's science class. Thank you Ludington Biological Station and Mr. Edwards!

Positive Choices Presentations next week for all 6th graders. Please contact the office if your child should opt out.

Christmas Spirit!!!

Teacher Christmas Contest! And the winner is...TEAM AMERICA! Congrats to Mr. March, Mr. Williams, Mr. Behrns, Mrs. Stutzman, and Mrs. O’Dell!

Physical or chemical change? That is the question!

7th and 8th grade students using Color Theory and decorating skills to make cookies for Middle School teachers.

7th graders identifying physical and chemical changes in Ms. Friar’s class.

5th graders painting their piggy banks in art class

November Students of the Month

Outstanding 7th/8th grade band concert

8th graders in Ms. Friar’s class designing, testing, and analyzing experiments to see how multitasking effects productivity. They even tested Mr. Hiller and Mr. Morrow multitasking ability.

Testing pH in Mrs. Friar’s class!

Megan our Patriots Pen Award winner with Mr. Tidey!

Buck Pole Winners
Thank you Mrs. Gooden for the fantastic Buck Pole display!

5th Grade DARE Graduation huge success!

Kinetic and Potential Energy Museum Walk in Mrs. Kaleita's 6th Grade science class