Good evening 7/8 grade Parents: The Varsity Girls Basketball team defeated Glen Lake in the District final Friday night. They are now moving on in postseason play to face off against Harbor Springs in Harbor Springs Monday night. A local donor has graciously offered to purchase student tickets for all those who attend via spec bus. This Monday morning there will be a sign up in the office as well as permission slips to attend the game that night. The bus will leave from the school at 4:30 sharp and students will need a signed permission slip in order to get on the bus. Return time from the game will vary, but is expected to be approximately 11:00pm Monday night. Thank you and Go Rangers!
22 days ago, Len Morrow
Haven't created your Rooms account yet? No worries, new invites were sent this morning! Please check your email/texts to create your account and access our new parent-teacher chat.
10 months ago, Manton Consolidated Schools
Rooms info post
Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom announcements in the Manton Schools app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. MMS and MHS parents/guardians check your email with instructions to sign up and access new features. For any questions you have, please refer to this web page:
10 months ago, Manton Consolidated Schools
Rooms info post
Good afternoon 8th grade parents and guardians. This is a reminder that tomorrow May 29th, the 8th graders will be going on their Mackinac Island Trip. Please make sure your student is at school by 5:30 AM as the busses will be leaving by 6:00 AM. Also, please make sure your student has comfortable walking shoes, a cold lunch if they opted out of the school lunch, and weather-appropriate clothing. Other SUGGESTED items are a blanket to eat on, a water bottle, bug spray, and extra money for the free time on the island. If you plan on letting your child ride with a chaperone and not the bus you need to email Mr. Hiller for his approval by 8:00 PM tonight. Have a great day.
10 months ago, Len Morrow
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Manton Schools app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat for MMS and MHS students/guardians. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app after May 28th. Download for Android Download for iPhone
10 months ago, Manton Consolidated Schools
Rooms info post
FREE from Jet's Pizza: If you get all A's and B's on your last Report Card of the year, Jets will give you either their Bread sticks or Cinnamon Stix for doing such a GREAT job. SO when you get your final Report Card and it has A's and B's, head over to Jet's for free Bread or Cinnamon Stix.
almost 2 years ago, Denise Stutzman
Parents here is the correct email for the Middle School YearBook,
almost 2 years ago, Denise Stutzman
Middle School Yearbooks came in today. If you did not order one but still want one, go to this email:
almost 2 years ago, Denise Stutzman
Reminder to all parents: This Friday, April 7th is a half day of school. Dismissal will be at 12:00, noon.
almost 2 years ago, Denise Stutzman
A note from Mrs. Alexander about the Book Fair: A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who came to the Book Fair. It was the biggest one yet. $9000.00 was made with the school getting half of that toward free books. THANK YOU for coming out to help support our school libraries.
about 2 years ago, Denise Stutzman
Manton Summer baseball and Softball: With the 2023 summer baseball/softball fast approaching, we would like to share with you a few changes coming to our program. Our hope with these changes is to improved the experience for all players and families. The biggest change this year is the decision to change leagues. Manton summer baseball/softball is now in the Pine River league. The rules of this league are very similar to what we have followed previously. First change is how the kids are divided into league levels. Students will be divided by grade. -PreK4year-1st grade (T-Ball) -Sen-4th (Coach/Machine pitch) 5th-6th (kid pitch) 7th-8th (did pitch) 5th-8th Grade - Only changes expected at this level are the teams we play. -Athletes playing on the middle school teams are encouraged to still participate in the summer program. Registration will be announced soon. Manton Summer Rec league board
about 2 years ago, Denise Stutzman
7th and 8th grade band festival has been rescheduled for tomorrow at McBain High School. Students will leave at 1:45pm and perform at 3:30pm. Students will need to be picked up from school at approximately 5:30pm. Please remind your student to bring black dress pants and dress shoes to school tomorrow. Any permission slips that have been turned in will be counted as parents giving permission to attend the event in McBain with the amended date and time. If your student has not turned in a permission slip, please send them to school tomorrow with a note stating they have permission to attend band festival on 3/1/23. Thank you again for your understanding in this matter and thank you for supporting the arts.
about 2 years ago, Len Morrow
WMISD : Keep your child on track in Middle and High School. Pay attention to Attendance. Did you know: Students should miss no more than 9 days of school each year to stay engaged, successful and on track to graduate. By 6th Grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school. By 9th grade, attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores. Missing 10%, or 2 days a month, over the course of the school year, can affect a student's academic success. What you can do: Make school attendance a priority Help your teen stay engaged and communicate with the school
over 2 years ago, Denise Stutzman
This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday December 16th, we will be having our holiday dinner. We will be making homemade chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes and applesauce. Students may bring in a drink of their choice. Also, remember it is Pajama Day for our 15 Days of Festive Fashion Fun.
over 2 years ago, Len Morrow
Today’s middle school boys basketball game at Houghton Lake has been cancelled.
over 2 years ago, Scott Bender
ACES DAY: What is it? In 1989, a physical education teacher created Project ACES (All Children Exercise Simultaneously). ACES Day takes place each year on the first Wednesday in May as part of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month along with National Physical Education Week. Since 1989, millions of children from all over the world exercise together to promote proper health and fitness habits. With the obesity epidemic facing the youth of the world, children's fitness plays a major role in fighting heart disease. Our PE team wants to engage students and staff in this worldwide event! We are registered for ACES which means our school is committed to providing an opportunity for all of our students to exercise at the same time! We will be celebrating with a quick kickoff assembly on the practice field and walk around town!! ACES Day, Fun Runs, the Combine, Fuel Up events, sports camps and clinics, and Wellness Wednesdays along with other activities are all ways we are celebrating and promoting health, wellness, physical activity and community with our students! Details: Wednesday, May 4th @ 2:15 (Bad weather, Plan for Thursday the 5th) We will gather on the Practice Field and receive a map of our walk. Staff and students K-12 will walk. High school first, Middle school next and the elementary will go last. Come down town and cheer us on!!
almost 3 years ago, Denise Stutzman
ACES Day 2022! All Children Exercise Simultaneously Manton Consolidated Schools Wednesday, May 4th In 1989, a physical education teacher created Project ACES (All Children Exercise Simultaneously). ACES Day takes place each year on the first Wednesday in May as part of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month along with National Physical Education Week. Since 1989, millions of children from all over the world exercise together to promote proper health and fitness habits. With the obesity epidemic facing the youth of the world, children's fitness plays a major role in fighting heart disease. We are registered for ACES Day, which means our school is committed to providing an opportunity for all of our students to exercise at the same time! We will be celebrating with a quick kickoff assembly and walk around town!! ACES Day, Fun Runs, the Summer Lifting Combine, Dance-a-thons, Fuel Up events, sports camps and clinics, and Wellness Wednesdays along with other activities are all ways we are celebrating and promoting health, wellness, physical activity and community with our students! Please join us in promoting physical activity by discussing the event with your child! We will be exercising simultaneously by walking a loop in the neighborhood. We will not be crossing any main roads in order to ensure safety. If you do not wish for your student to participate in this school wide walk off campus, please contact your student’s teacher and arrangements will be made for your student to stay at the school. Manton Schools Physical Education Team Elem: Jeff Sinkel MS: Brandon Herlein MS/HS: Blair Parcell
almost 3 years ago, Denise Stutzman
Huffman Basketball Skills Camp: with Pro MSU Star Kenny Goins and Pro Trevor Huffman @ MANTON HIGH SCHOOL Cost: $65.00 (Only 100 Sports Available) Schedule: Tuesday - Wednesday, July 12-13m, 2022 3rd-6th Grade Boys/Girls 9:00-11:00 AM 7th-12th Grades Boys/Girls 1:00-3:00 PM HB Camp notes and rules: Check out the flier
almost 3 years ago, Denise Stutzman
7th and 8th Grade Girls Softball: Their game was cancelled and there will not be any practice.
almost 3 years ago, Denise Stutzman
Middle School Band Concert: Wednesday, December 1st @ 7:00 in the 5th Street Gym. Students in the band need to be here at 6:30. Public is welcome
over 3 years ago, Denise Stutzman