Reminder that Manton will not be in school this Friday, Good Friday. Enjoy your three day weekend!
almost 6 years ago, Denise Stutzman
Sign up for an exciting basketball camp with two Final Four basketball players from Michigan State, Matt McQuaid and Kenny Goins on April 22! Forms can be picked up in the office and must be turned in by April 17 to participate! Manton students only!
almost 6 years ago, Mallory O'Dell
Sign Up Form!
The 7th graders did an awesome job working together the last couple days to identify different forms of energy in our every day lives.
almost 6 years ago, Alison Thompson
The more power the brighterbit gets
Recording evidence
Collaboration is key to success
One battery can light up a lot of bulbs when wired correctly
Big thank you to Haleigh Vaughn of 9 & 10 News for coming to speak to our 6th graders about Meteorology and Weather today! Catch The Four or the news at 5:30 to see us!
almost 6 years ago, Tracey Kaleita
Haleigh Vaughn visits middle school
Notice to 5th Grade Parents/Students: M-step testing will be taking place on the following dates: April 16, April 17 April 22, April 24 and April 30. The M-step testing will take place on the mornings of these dates. Parents, we are also asking for your assistance to ensure that the testing goes as smoothly as possible by having your child present on the mornings of these dates. We appreciate your help with this matter.
about 6 years ago, Denise Stutzman
Notice to 8th Grade Parents/Students: PSAT testing will be taking place on the following dates: April 9, April 23, and April 24. The PSAT testing will take place on the mornings of these dates. Parents, we are also asking for your assistance to ensure that the testing goes as smoothly as possible by having your child present on the mornings of the testing dates. We appreciate your help with this matter.
about 6 years ago, Denise Stutzman
A little late but here are the pictures from our awesome end to March Reading Month assembly with life size games of Jenga, Battleship, and Hungry Hippos. Thank you Mrs. O’Dell and Mrs. Kaleita for putting together these games.
about 6 years ago, Alison Thompson
Hungry Hungry Hippo
Yah Monday! Mr. Kibbe is fully embracing April Fools Day.
about 6 years ago, Alison Thompson
The 7th graders have create life sized models of the 11 different organ systems.
about 6 years ago, Alison Thompson
Human Body System
Human Body System
Oh no! Looks like some of our staff members got into the Operation game! Fake Injury Day for reading month spirit week!
about 6 years ago, Tracey Kaleita
fake injury day
Congrats to our MUTT Madness Finalists! Reganne, Ava, and Gabby
about 6 years ago, Tracey Kaleita
Mutt Madness
Mutt Madness
Mutt Madness
Mutt Madness Championship, sponsored by Mr. Kibbe
about 6 years ago, Tracey Kaleita
kids cheering
kids cheering
6th graders are practicing their Meteorology skills in science.
about 6 years ago, Tracey Kaleita
weather map
The 6th Grade STEM class working on their LEGO robotics unit. The first robot to be built...a turtle!
about 6 years ago, Tracey Kaleita
6th grade STEM kids
LEGO turtle
Teachers displaying their inner nerd for Cranium Day! Spirit Week happens this week for March Reading Month!
about 6 years ago, Tracey Kaleita
cranium day
Reminder to Sixth Grade Parents: Your student will need to have his/her immunizations up dated BEFORE they come to school in August. Thank you for taking care of this early.
about 6 years ago, Denise Stutzman
Reminder that Spring Break starts at 3:10 on Friday, March 22. Report Cards will be mailed on after Spring Break.
about 6 years ago, Denise Stutzman
8th graders toured CTC for the first time to see if any of the programs they might be interested in participating in as Junior and Seniors.
about 6 years ago, Alison Thompson
Manton Summer Baseball/Softball registration is now open! Please visit to register. Registration closes March 31st.
about 6 years ago, Denise Stutzman
Middle School had their first DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) for March reading month yesterday.
about 6 years ago, Alison Thompson
Had our first DEAR for March reading month.
Drop Everything And Read
Drop Everything And Read