April 25-26: Manton 5th and 7th graders will be having their vision checked by the Health Department
about 6 years ago, Denise Stutzman
7th and 8th Grade Band performance
about 6 years ago, Alison Thompson
Today the 7th and 8th grade band played for us to prepare for Festival.
Summer Softball/Baseball: Registration is now OPEN! Registration is open from Feb. 22-March 31. Please visit mantonsummerrec.com to create an account (or use your last years acct) and register today!! Please contact Matt Schaub with any questions at 231-884-6058
about 6 years ago, Denise Stutzman
7th Grade Scientists learning about microscopes!
about 6 years ago, Mallory O'Dell
Madison working hard.
Excited to get back outside and greet our wonderful students Monday morning...YES, it's Monday!
about 6 years ago, Tracey Kaleita
yes it's Monday
7th/8th Grade Dance that was planned for tonight has been CANCELED. 7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball vs NMC is scheduled at 1:00 tomorrow, Sat. Feb. 9th in the 5th Street Gym.
about 6 years ago, Denise Stutzman
Middle school dance is cancelled for this evening.
about 6 years ago, Len Morrow
January 28, 2019 Dear Manton Community/Families, I wanted to take a minute to update you on the issue of snow days and the upcoming weather. Today marked the 7th day we have been out of school. The Michigan Department of Education forgives six days, but you are able to ask for three additional days. We have asked for those three extra days the last several years, and they have been granted. I will be doing so again this year, but their decision may not come until April. If the Michigan Department of Education grants those days, we will have two additional days after today. With the expected road conditions and wind chill forecasted for the rest of the week, it is possible we could use some of those days this week. Please know that the decision to close school is not one that is taken lightly. I understand the problems that snow days create for families in trying to find childcare for their children. Parents may have to take work off and lose expected wages. Above all, safety is our number one priority. Even though we may soon be out of days if the waiver is granted, we will still close school if we feel that children cannot make it safely to school. This may result in making days up at the end of the year. We feel this is a better option than putting the safety of our children at risk. As we move forward, please know that we may start using 2-3 hour delays again. We close school if the wind chill is -20 or if road conditions are bad. There may be days in which the temperature improves, or the plows can clean up the roads enough to go school. Wind chill is also difficult to determine. It may be one temperature at your house and another in town. Several different sources are used to help make the best decision. Each day is different with its own set of challenges when it comes to making this difficult decision. Athletic contest decisions are usually made by noon the day of a closing. We may play a game if weather and road conditions improve enough for students to travel safely. The conditions can improve greatly in the 12 hours between when a decision to close school is made and an athletic contest is played that evening. In closing, I hope that this day has provided you with some quality time with your family. Please stay safe and warm! Feel free to call the central office or your building office should you ever have any questions. Go Rangers! Len Morrow, Manton Consolidated Schools Superintendent
about 6 years ago, Denise Stutzman
Parent/Teacher Conferences: the middle school Parent/Teacher conferences at February 14th, from 12:30-3:30 and 5:00-8:00. Seventh and Eighth Grade Parents if you do not receive a time to talk to your child's teachers and would like to talk with them, They will have drop in visits from 7:00-8:00 on February 14th. Fifth and Sixth grade parents can contact your student's teacher.
about 6 years ago, Denise Stutzman
6th graders learning about nature, and having so much fun with their classmates!
about 6 years ago, Tracey Kaleita
Camp Rotary is in full swing! The 6th graders are showing great teamwork, bravery, and supporting one another!
about 6 years ago, Tracey Kaleita
climbing tower
rappelling tower
The 7th and 8th Grade Girls Game with Lake City is on at 6:00 tonight in the 5th Street Gym.
about 6 years ago, Denise Stutzman
Very important notice! There will be NO ski club this Wednesday, January 9th. Please do not bring in your equipment.
about 6 years ago, Denise Stutzman
Any 6th grade parents interested in volunteering in the Kitchen at Camp Rotary Jan. 21-25, please contact Mr. Kibbe.
about 6 years ago, Tracey Kaleita
Mr. McGrew lost to Mrs. Beckwith's class in our food drive this year so he had to eat a bowl of yams and sing to the entire middle school. What a treat!
over 6 years ago, Jenny Catlin
a male teacher dressed as Santa eating a large bowl of yams
a male teacher dressed as Santa singing with students
a male teacher dressed as Santa singing with students
Student Council members left their mark on the community by participating in Project Christmas. Middle school students and families donated over 3,000 food items this year!
over 6 years ago, Tracey Kaleita
student council members
filling the food trailer
Teachers are participating in this amazing Christmas spirit week!
over 6 years ago, Mallory O'Dell
Standing next to our beautiful Christmas tree!
Mr. McGrew is ready!
Enjoying pajama day!
7th graders finding pH balances in science!
over 6 years ago, Mallory O'Dell
Sweet goggles!
Safety first!
Reading rich text in science class!
over 6 years ago, Tracey Kaleita
reading rich text in science class
Flu Shots for Students: Oct. 24th, by appt. only by calling 231-306-3010. This will be in the Wellness Clinic in the High School. Pick up Forms in the clinic
over 6 years ago, Denise Stutzman