It is that time of year when head lice seem to showing up. We have had a case in the middle school. Please take the time to check your students weekly for lice/knits. If you see them please keep your students home and treat them and your household. If you have questions on how to do this call the Health Dept. Thank you

Fight like a Ranger: there are only a few days left to order your Fight like a Ranger gear. This is replacing the Think Pink Shirt. Proceeds will go to help Kira Stutzman who was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma in August. She is one of our high school Seniors. Go to http://forms.kelgraphics.com/manton_fights_back

Mr. Morrow challenged our 7th and 8th graders to a quick volleyball match! To say the least, he didn’t win, and his ankle may be a little sore! : )

6th graders experienced dry ice during their States of Matter experiment today! It was a big hit!

Please join us at our Enchanted Forest Book Fair on October 16-18 during school hours and during our Parent/Teacher Conferences. Again, this year we will be set up on the stage in the 5th Street Gym. Look forward to seeing you there.

Please join us at the Enchanted Forest Book Fair, October 16-18. The Book Fair will be open both during school hours, and during Parent/Teacher Conferences on the stage in the 5th street gym. Stop by and pick out some great reads!

Middle School Parents and Students: Our school picture day with Life Touch is FRIDAY, October 5th with retakes on Tuesday, November 6th in the a.m.

Are you interested in getting some Manton Football Shirts or Sweat Shirts? Here is a link which is available through this Wednesday, Sept. 12th https://stores.inksoft.com/manton_football_fundraiser

"Yes, it's Monday!" greetings continue into the 2018-19 school year, thanks to Mr. Kibbe and the rest of the teachers and staff!

7th and 8th Grade Volleyball pictures are Friday, September 14th at 345! You can order online with the following link or the girls will be sent home with flyers tonight!

Youth bowling! Click on the post for more info!

The Outdoor Ed golf outing still has openings in the morning. $65 per person - 18 holes with cart and lunch provided. Call the course or get ahold of Mandy Butcher!

The new school year will be starting very soon. We hope you have had a relaxing and enjoyable year. Open House for 1st-12th Grade is Monday, August 20th from 6:00-7:00. First Day of school is Wednesday, August 22, this is a full day. If you are going into the 7th Grade it is very important that you contact your doctor or the Health Department and be up dated on all your immunizations. We look forward to seeing you at Open House and GO RANGERS!

Congrats to our 7th and 8th grade Honor Roll students!

8th grade verse staff game! Good try guys!😉

Congrats to the Middle School Equestrian team on their first place finish!

Parents of Middle School Students. We are collecting Chrome Books and chargers. If your student has either of these at home of in their locker please have them turn them into their homeroom teacher. Thank you and have a great summer!

Physicals for 10 years old - 21 year old on June 14 & 15 at Manton School at the Adolescent Wellness Center. To make an appointment call 231-306-4900.A $25.00 donation is recommended.

8th graders placing flags for Memorial Day

Reminder to 8th Grade Students and Parents: If you student is NOT going on the Chicago Trip please do not send them to school. This is for Thursday and Friday, May 24th and 25th. Please enjoy your holiday weekend